Revista oficial da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia ASBAI
Revista oficial da Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología SLaai
Epidemiology of Asthma: "International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood" ISAAC
Dirceu Solé; Charles K. Naspitz
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 1998;21(2): 38-45
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Pulse oximetry in the evaluation of bronchoprovocation with methacoline and exercise testing in asthmatic children
Dirceu Solé; Irma C. Douglas Gomes; Ana T. Vanna; Ana Guelpa; Márcia C. Mallozi; Charles K. Naspitz
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 1998;21(2): 46-51
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Vocal fold paradoxal movement and asthma
Angela B. F. Fomin; Silvia C. S. Fomin; Denilson S. Fomin; José A. Pinto; Anete S. Grumach
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 1998;21(2): 52-56
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Anaphylactoid reaction to the bee venom in a patient with Mastocitosis
Ricardo S. Schwanz; Maria A. S. Damasceno; Claudia V. Guerra; Fábio F. M. Castro
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 1998;21(2): 57-60
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