Revista oficial da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia ASBAI
Revista oficial da Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología SLaai
Aspects of persistent asthma treatment in a specialized clinic
Alexsandro F. Zavadniak; Nelson A. Rosário Filho; Fabrício Meyer; Tsukiyo O. Kamoi; Herberto Chong
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2000;23(6): 239-248
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Prevalence of perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis with atopic sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) and Lolium multiflorum (LOLIUM) in schoolchildren and adults in Curitiba
Priscila C Esteves; Nelson A, Rosário Filho; Simone G. Trippia; Luiz G. Caleffe
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2000;23(6): 249-259
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Quality of life in allergic diseases: Why is it important to evaluate?
Maria das Graças Nascimento Silva; Charles K. Naspitz; Dirceu Solé
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2000;23(6): 260-269
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The induced sputum method in the study of bronchial asthma - a review
Eduardo Costa; José Roberto L. e Silva
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2000;23(6)
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