Revista oficial da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia ASBAI
Revista oficial da Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología SLaai
Profa Dra. Beatriz Tavares Costa Carvalho
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 81
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Comparison of the cytokine secretion (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10) among patients with IgA nephropathy and IgA deficiency
JM Benitez; RT Barros; CVG Cevallos; LV Rizzo; C Kokron; V Woronik; J Kalil; MT Barros
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 82-93
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Allergen exposure and respiratory symptoms in air conditioned environments
Gustavo Silveira Graudenz; Jorge Kalil; Maria do Rosário Latorre; L. Karla Arruda; Walderez Gambale; Fabio F Morato-Castro
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 94-102
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Onset of action and duration of bronchodilator effect of nebulized formoterol solution
Elke C. F. Mascarenhas; Nelson A. Rosário Filho; Carlos Antonio Riedi
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 103-109
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Prevalence of allergic diseases in patients with segmental and nonsegmental vitiligo
Caio C. Castro
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 110-115
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Vacine adjuvants: possibilities for use in humans or animals
Fabíola C. B. e Resende; Jean Passold; Silvia I. A. C. Ferreira; Carlos R. Zanetti; Hermênio C. Lima
Rev. bras. alerg. imunolpatol. 2004;27(3): 116-124
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